The one of the place within your home which can be upgraded any time and every time is the bathroom. This is because it is the place which is mostly and regularly used by the residents. Therefore you can upgrade it to give a new modernized look which matches the trend as well as your budget.
Textures refer to such range of materials which have inscribed designs upon it. They give an altogether different look to the bathroom and can amaze any onlooker. You can mix textures with your flooring, walls and with decoration. But the most important of all is to keep in mind that the color scheme should go well with the textured material. Here is how you can mix textures in your bathroom design.
The various options available for floors are to get it laminated or carpeted. Both are the wonderful options but have different features. Carpet works well only in those areas where the presence of water is negligible while the laminated works even in wet bathrooms. Now days the floor tiles have been introduced with pattern designs on them. These texture floor tiles make a very beautiful frame of the floor in your desired color. You can choose those tiles which go fast with the color of your faucets and other lavatories. Other benefit is that they come in variety of shapes and sizes and thus can fit in both small and huge sized bathrooms.
Wall Texture
The wall can be decorated with the wall paper or the well quality paint. The wall papers depict certain scenery or have different patterns such as dots, lines and colored stripes. Along with this the wall texture paints are also equipped with the technique to frame patterns on the wall. You can affix the paints showing flowers or some beautiful landscape on your walls. The mirrors in the bathroom make it look bigger and increase the virtual space of the bathroom. The wall texture paints are washable and the wallpapers are replaceable. This way you can get your wallpapers changed frequently in case they get spoilt or you can paint your walls perfectly for ever lasting appearance.
Metal Fixtures
The other things which can give your bathroom a trendy and desired look are the metal fixtures. There are various spots in your bathroom where you can affix the metal structures and give an altogether new and different look. This may include the fancy lights, gold plated shower, fancy and modernized faucets. Also the towel and clothes racks can be the modernized one with extended colorful branches to go well with the color scheme of the bathroom. The vanities can be concise but broad looking to sweep in the materials inside and give an open look to the bathroom.
This way various patterns and textures can make your bathroom look vivid and lavish. So mix the textures carefully or seek a professional help and these textures will itself become the design of your bathroom.