Bathroom is an important part of our house which demands special concentration towards its decoration. No matter whether it is small or large; you simply need to maintain it with best collection of equipments. The flooring and colour combination must be given primary attention because bathroom floors must be perfectly water resistant. Mostly light shades are preferred for bathroom wall paints with durable flooring material.
Vinyl flooring and fiberwood flooring are good options for bathroom because these floors possess excellent water resistance qualities with long life service. You need to add proper care to their regular cleaning so that chances of damage can be avoided.
When you have finished with construction part it is time to make a list for all items that you need in your bathroom. First preference will be of course toilet and sink but it is up to you which typical design you select for them. You must make selection according to size of your bathroom so that it looks interactive instead of a store room. Choose a stylish tall sink which perfectly match to your interior design and allow you to enjoy the extra space. Buying a small colourful bathtub is also a pleasing idea especially when your bathroom needs stylish look. Large size tiles on floor with light paint on walls give a natural feeling of more space whereas the darker one inclines crowdedness.
Plan a large mirror over sink with unique shape and design; it will give your bathroom an elegant look. Choose cabinet fitting as per size of your wall, it should not look full of cabinets rather it should be well managed with necessary things only. A shower head will be useful at your bathroom but you must ensure its time to time cleaning and replacement.
Here is the mist of most important items for your bathroom: bathtub, faucets, shelves, showers, vanity and fixtures. All these accessories will help to keep your bathroom clean and give graceful look if managed properly. A contemporary towel warmer automatically creates spa like environment and add more luxurious feeling to your bath. A perfect towel set with light colour add decor to this area and you must have proper clean cabinets for placing all these items.
To bring the luxurious feeling at your own bathroom it is good to place some spa like accessories at your bathroom like scented soaps, candles, natural oils and small plants. All these things must match perfectly to colour combination of your bathroom and should not make a garbage club inside; so it is important to place them perfectly at their specific place.
Specialised interior designers suggest people the best accessories that may suit their house and can be organised properly. Decorating bathroom is a creative task where you may need guidance from some experts so that you can decorate this area with minimum expenses. Organising every useful item with perfection is the ultimate effort that makes your bathroom delightful and clean surfaces adds natural beauty to this area.
amrath/ 07.08.2015
Great Blog ,loved all the information you shared , you have covered all most all the information , thank you so much for such a beautiful blog .